About Us
Yes Acupuncture Wellness Center offers our patients many modalities to help a wide range of conditions. Our staff of practitioners has years of experience in the use of cupping, moxabustion, needling, electrical stimulation, micro-current, herbal formulas, nutrition, and tui-na. Each practitioner is a Licensed Acupuncturist under the Medical Board of the State of Texas. They are dedicated professionals who want to help their patients without the use of prescription drugs. Their approach is Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM) which works totally in harmony with Western approaches. The trend towards CAM is steadily increasing in the Houston area. Almost 40% of Houstonians have used it in some form and are very happy with the results.
Chinese medicine was the first to recognize the mind/body connection in the treatment of disease. It is ideal for dealing with trauma caused by emotional distress. Anxiety, depression, and mood swings are all treatable by acupuncture. Chinese nutrition and food therapy, which is based on the influence of the seasons, the weather, the patient’s age, gender, and energy level, can empower a patient to take responsibility for their own health and well-being. Our practitioners at Yes Acupuncture believe in taking care of the whole person. They are able to give sound advice about change of diet and lifestyle, as well as treating addictions to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Yes Acupuncture also offers a new approach to maintaining youthful appearance with micro-current treatments.
Yes Acupuncture Wellness Center
6415 San Felipe Street, Suite C
Houston, TX 77057
Yes Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
800 Bonaventure Way, Suite# 141
Sugar Land, TX 77479
A Peek Into Our Wellness Center |
(click on photo to enlarge) |
Houston Acupuncture, Acupuncture Houston, Acupuncture,Texas Acupuncture,USA Acupuncture
Houston Acupuncture, Acupuncture Houston, Acupuncture,Texas Acupuncture,USA Acupuncture
Houston Acupuncture, Acupuncture Houston, Acupuncture,Texas Acupuncture,USA Acupuncture
Houston Acupuncture, Acupuncture Houston, Acupuncture,Texas Acupuncture,USA Acupuncture
Houston Acupuncture, Acupuncture Houston, Acupuncture,Texas Acupuncture,USA Acupuncture
Houston Acupuncture, Acupuncture Houston, Acupuncture,Texas Acupuncture,USA Acupuncture